專營中港吊機平版貨車運輸服務,吊機運作省時方便,快捷可靠,節省人力,安全到步 代辦客戶送貨 到內地,到香港,出入倉,地盤,存倉服務
商業 / 物流及倉儲陳先生

維記物流有限公司 罕有大型市區公倉 樓高9層, 提供8萬多平方尺擁有龐大倉庫空間 設有閉路電視監控, 設備完善 本公司由存倉及產品訊息等相關物流配套,由轉提單,提貨,拖櫃,拆櫃,分貨,存貨,配送,收款提供各項增值服務 客戶從而解決了東湊西拼找各式物流服務公司的煩惱。適合電子產品, 紡織品, 化妝品,超市用品,普通乾貨,各類文件,機械,傢俱,紅酒,食品,工業用品及其他,提供短期及長期存貨服務. 存倉

Full set Import & Export Document /Full set Account 整套船務文件/全盤會計
D商業 / 物流及倉儲Documentary Service

創業 / 打工? 祥龍幫到你,全新歐六型IVECO Daily 5.5ton 密尾 月租只$8,888. (全包維修,年檢,牌燕) 一Take過預算! 租完可以買,用盡租金! 唔租唔買,取回按金!無煩惱!!


In terms of flowers,Ming Florist specializes in the floral industry. We represent a new era of success in the millennium to reflect your sophisticated taste and class. All of our products are exclusi

With over 20 years of experience in Hong Kong, Adecco is well positioned to assist organisations in building successful teams and to help individuals progress in their careers. Adecco is the leading H

Sedna is the pioneer technology firm that applies RFID technology in supply chain and logistics field. Since our inception, we have been dedicating to use software engineering to solve complicated pr
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫思納系統有限公司

We have a very highly skilled work force enabling us to provide the highest quality service. Our management teams have over 15 years experience on providing professional IT solutions to our customers
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫匯俊資訊科技有限公司

Established in 2003, ETIC facilitates the transfer of e-business technologies developed by the University’s E-Business Technology Institute (ETI) to the market and has made significant progress
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫電子商業科技研究所

盈匯倉庫有限公司 是你可靠的物流全方位合作伙伴 倉存服務 大型/小型/文件倉存 我們提供不同類別的倉存以應客戶之要求,如:普通物貨、電子產品、大型貨品及須特別處理貨物。提供超過100,000呎的總倉庫面積,配合先進的設備來妥善地儲存客戶的物品。 除了傳統式倉存服務,我們因應市場需要亦配備有各式文件架、文件櫃及傢俬架存放客戶重要的文件及貨品。當然,所有項目均配備了高水準之保安系統,並且提供極具競力
E商業 / 物流及倉儲Earnward Warehouse Ltd

King Sturge is a leading supplier of property and related services in the commercial market including the industrial, office and retail & leisure sectors. These services include agency, asset man
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